Examine your current position to identify a new responsibility or element you could include that would refresh your focus. 审视现在的职位,找出一个可以让你关注新事情的新职责或元素。
Content and attribute declarations cannot depend on attributes or element context ( many XML languages use that, but their DTDs have to "allow too much"). 内容和属性声明不能依靠属性或元素上下文(许多XML语言用到这一点,但它们的DTD必须“允许过多东西”)。
The problem is often tackled by putting elements in a or element. 通常,将元素放入或元素内就可解决问题。
The previous versions of the DOM did not provide any access to any type information; you had no way to get the type of an attribute or element node in a document. 前一版本的DOM没有提供对任何类型信息的任何访问途径,没有任何办法可以得到文档中一个属性或者元素节点的类型。
Users can modify the side navigation to edit the color scheme or element layout or to add entries. 用户可以修改侧边导航栏,如编辑配色方案或元素布局,或者添加条目。
If there is no corresponding object or element, an object or element will be created and attributes will be set according to the mappings. 如果没有相关的对象或者元素,那么将会创建一个对象或者元素,并根据映射来设置属性。
Oncreate means that this pair of attributes will only be synchronized during the creation of a new object or element. oncreate意味着这一对属性只是在新对象或者元素的创建期间才会得到同步化。
If this array's length or element index is important to the client's logic, then the client will fail. 如果这个数组的长度或者元素的索引对于客户端的逻辑来说是重要的,那么客户端将会失败。
This section lists the variable data for each message or element instance in a table. 本部分在一个表中列出了每条消息或元素实例的变量数据。
Locate type definitions or element declarations in schema documents 在模式文档中定位类型定义或元素声明
The integration uses the last modification time of the object or element to decide which value to use. 集成使用对象或者元素最后一次编辑的时间来决定使用哪一个值。
This capability goes beyond the traditional DOM events of mapping events to any property, object, or element; it includes advanced features such as Aspect-Oriented Programming ( AOP) or event publish/ subscribe ( pub/ sub). 传统DOM事件可将事件映射到任何属性、对象或元素,而该功能则超出了此范围;该功能包括了诸如面向方面的编程(AOP)或事件发布/订阅之类的高级功能。
Also, documentation can be added to the schema or any data type or element in the schema through the Documentation tab in the Properties view. 同样,您可以通过Properties视图的Documentation项,来向模式之中的模式或者元素添加文献。
For Schemas that are composed of numerous Schema documents connected via,, or element information items, a full Schema-wide check is performed. 对于由许多Schema文档(这些文档间通过、或元素信息项连接)组成的Schema,执行完整的Schema检查。
To introduce ( a new aspect or element). 引进新的样子或元素。
A distinct feature or element in a problem. 问题的一个突出的性质或要素。
Picture element: The smallest dot or element of an image that can be displayed and addressed. Shorten to "Pixel". See Pixel. 像素:能够显示和注明地址的最细点子或元素。
The doctrine that reality consists of a single basic substance or element. 相信现实是由单一元素构成的学说。
To connect one device or element to another. 把一个设备或单元和其它设备连接起来。
There is also a new shader architecture that can be applied to any control or element. 此外还有一个新的着色效果框架,可以施加到WPF中的任何控件和元素上。
Specified attribute or element ( '% 1') does not have a corresponding mapping in the schema, and no overflow field defined 架构中没有指定属性或元素('%1')的相应映射,而且未定义溢出字段
The control or element is oriented vertically. 垂直放置控件或元素。
In design view, select the control or element, click format, and then click style. 在“设计”视图中选择控件或元素,然后依次单击“格式”、“样式”。
A symbol that is associated with the name of a set to identify a particular subset or element. 一种与某一集合名相关联的符号,用来标识其特定子集或元素。
Hard plate or element of the exoskeleton of some arthropods. 某些节肢动物外骨骼硬片或成分。
In the manufacture of semiconductor devices, a photographically reduced representation of a circuit or element as used to establish an etching pattern. 在半导体器件制造中,以缩小的照相方式表示的电路或元件,用于建立刻蚀图案。
Label the rectangles, and illustrate and describe how one grouping or element affects others. 为每个方块图添加上标签和注解,并描述每个分组或者元素如何影响其他分组和元素。
Composed of only one thing or element or part. 只有一种事物、成份或部分组成。
Specifies the name of the configuration section handler class that handles the processing of the configuration settings in the section or element that is specified in the name attribute. 指定用来执行如下操作的配置节处理程序类的名称:处理在name属性中指定的节或元素中的配置设置。
The public data collector in DSC series is one of important and key equipment in digital seismic station, but its chip or element was always destroyed by thunderbolt. DSC系列公用数据采集器是数字化地震前兆台站的基本和关键性设备之一,雷电干扰常会造成数采内部芯片和元件损坏。